
Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 5 - $50 Blog Anniversary Giveaway

Happy Anniversary to ME!

1 YEAR!!! Celebrating what I love to do. Reading and Writing Reviews. 

Thank you so much for your support, comments and for the friendships I've discovered this year. 

I've had a lot of fun this week celebrating with my "Mature Romance" theme. 
Don't forget to check out this past week of giveaways and posts featuring: 

Jennifer Ashley - Win a choice of the Mackenzie men
Sandy James - Turning Thirty-Twelve
Margaret Ethridge - Spring Chickens

1 year ago, I decided that I'd like to add a bit of style around my Goodreads reviews. So not knowing a thing about blogging, what do I do? Yep, make a blog of course. I've changed my format a few times and I've fiddled around with templates. I think I am really happy where I'm at. 

My dream of being on a historical cover
I couldn't begin to tell you all the highlights of this past year because I've just had too much darn fun but here are a few.


  • I've met some of my most favourite authors. (they're still my celebrities)
  • Attended a book conference. 
  • I've had "Contentment" by Margaret Ethridge dedicated to me! 
  • I've had a quote from my book review of "No Apologies" by Tibby Armstrong placed on the cover.
  • Did lots of blog hopping and scored some amazing prizes.
  • Met some really awesome bloggers and folks on Twitter that are just as passionate about books as I am. 
  • I discovered Urban Fantasy books!
Author Margaret Ethridge & Me!
Lessons I've Learned? 

  • It's okay to say no to a book if you have 75 books that you already have to read. 
  • Audio books are kinda cool.
  • Rafflecopter makes your life so much easier if holding contests. 
  • Do all blog posts on Sunday and then you can just "click" to post during the week. 
  • Author Nalini Singh and Me!
  • If someone follows you on Twitter and you have nothing in common with them, you don't have to follow back. 
  • If you plan on seeing an author you love & adore and want a picture with them, don't wear a low cut top >>>>
  • Holding a blog hop is an excellent way to visit a ton of blogs really fast. I've found of few of my most favourite blogs by hopping.
  • And despite my love for all romance books, I'm still not quite ready for certain people at work to know I read some erotica. (blog remains the worst kept secret)  

Author Diana Gabaldon and Me!

I want to make this $50 Giveaway International so this is what I'm going to do. 
1. If US or CAD, prize is a $50 Amazon Gift Card (if CAD wants Chapters I may be able to swing that) 
2. If International winner, $50 in books from Book Depository as long as they deliver to your area. 
3. The winners from all this week's giveaways will be on Wednesday May 9th. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Happy Blog-iversary, Michelle! You've certainly had an incredible year and I'm so proud and happy for you!! :)

  2. Wishing you a very Happy Blog-Anniversary, and here's to many more. Cheers!!!

  3. Here's to many more Blog-versaries. You really are doing a fabulous job. My only complaint is that I don't see you as much.

  4. Happy Blog-Anniversary! Wishing you many, many more!

  5. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so awesome UTC turns 1 tomorrow too. This is so exciting. I hope you have many more years of blogging! Just keep on doing that you're doing!


    alltherhage AT gmail DOT com

  6. You've had a very exciting year & I've lived vicariously thru your adventures - Thanks! It's been about a year since I 'discovered' book blogs and it's been great fun.

  7. Thank you all so very much for well wishes. I appreciate that you have taken the extra step of leaving a blog comment. That is very nice of you!

    Been such a great week.

  8. You, my darling, have created a spectacular site. You are honest (oh-so-honest), insightful, and always dead-on in your assessments. We don't always agree, but I value your opinion a great deal, and there's no one on earth I'd rather debate. Thank you for your support and congratulations on your accomplishments! I'm so very proud to be listed among your highlights!

  9. Happy bloggoversary! Thanks for sharing what you've learned!

  10. Happy Blogoversary!!
    Those are some amazing lessons as well as experiences. Thanks.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

  11. I hope you have another wonderful year! I like the lessons learned :)

  12. Congrats Michelle!!! Love your blog and I am so proud of what you've accomplished this year! And I love your 'what I've learned' list. Too funny...yet so very true. :)


I love comments! If you are visiting from another blog, please feel free to comment and use your blog address in your signature line. I would love to check you out!
I also want to thank you for just stopping by.