The Blog Hop that Another Look Book Reviews is participating in for February is hosted by book blog, Under the Covers.
Welcome to our stop along the hop.
February has to be a romance book lovers favourite month. To celebrate I am offering a giveaway of a $25 Amazon Gift Card (US/CAD) or up to $25 worth of books from Book Depository (INT).
I wanna talk to you about book quotes. I LOVE book quotes. I get so excited when some phase or declaration of love strikes me while reading a book and I need to save it so I don't forget it. I'd like to share with you some of my favourites.
Quotes with complete truth...
“Every woman should be told she's attractive. Men are seduced by their eyes, women by their ears."
Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews
Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews
Quotes about life....
On marriage..."You gotta love her even when you don't feel like it. Love is a decision, not a feelin', because believe me, you won't be feelin' the love a whole lot of time.”
Too Hot to Handle by Robyn Kaye
Quotes with humour that crack me up...
“Im not looking for marriage here, Zach. I just want to fuck her until one of us dies.”
Go Fetch by Shelley Laurenston
Quotes that are sexy...
“I'll bet you could make a woman throw out all her toys.”
Pleasure Unbound by Larrisa Ione
Quotes that are incredibly impactful to the story-line and leave you breathless...
"You're leaving me, Rainbow Girl."
Dreamfever by Karen Marie Moning
Quotes that hit you right in the heart and you want to cry from the shear joy of reading it....
"When the day shall come that we do part, if my last words are not 'I love you'-ye'll ken it was because I didna have time."
The Fiery Cross, Diana Gabaldon
Oh boy I could go on but those above are some of my favourites. Do you have favourites?
My favorite quotes are from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series.
Top 3 quotes.
#1 >>>
"Why don't I just give you a pair of my panties to hang around your neck? Then whenever you feel jealous, you can wave them at whoever's pissing you off."
#2 >>>
"She's my kitten, and no one else's."
#3 >>>
"Kitten, you need to make a decision. Either we stay here and behave or we leave now and I promise you”—his voice dipped lower and the words fell against my lips—“if we leave, I won’t behave."
Wow! Thanks for the giveaway :)
When it comes to love quotes, I have one go-to answer!
“In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”
― Jane Austen, Pride And Prejudice
I really like to quote books I read! I don't have a fav author or series to quote, but I'll share with you the first quotes I thought about :P
"The true way to a man's heart is six inches of metal between his ribs."
Anita Blake rocks xD
(I really don't remember what book this is from, sorry.)
"You must put these dreams aside, they will only break your heart."
A Game of Thrones
"You pierce my soul. I'm half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone forever."
Not a big book quotes person but here is one of my favorites
“Love is not the absence of logic
but logic examined and recalculated
heated and curved to fit
inside the contours of the heart”
― Tammara Webber, Easy
When it comes to love quotes, I have one go-to answer!
“In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”
― Jane Austen, Pride And Prejudice
I love any quote from the Dark Hunter or Chronicles of Nick Series.
“Nick: How? Are you a vampire or something? What made you immortal?
Acheron: Real good DNA.”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, Infinity
“It’s easy to look at people and make quick judgments about them, their present and their pasts, but you’d be amazed at the pain and tears a single smile hides. What a person shows to the world is only one tiny facet of the iceberg hidden from sight. And more often than not, it’s lined with cracks and scars that go all the way to the foundation of their soul.”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, Acheron
Rafflecopter Name; Dawna Newman
there might be some quotes that i have quoted or have liked...but my memory isnt really good.. I would usually think about the quote way way after i post this message lol..(it always happens) Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Some of my favourite quotes are from romance books!
'Sometime the fractures in two separate sould became the very hinges that hold them together.'
-Lisa Kleypas, Devil In Winter
love the quotes :) alas I'm terrible at remembering quotes & such. a fave quote of mine actually comes from a song, not a book (think hearing songs over & over helps them stick in my head better, ;) need that repetition). it's "I'd rather die while I'm living, than live while I'm dead" :)
gamistress66 (at) aol (dot)com
Such fabulous quotes! I've read a few of these books and I 100% agree with you on the power of those words.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Here's one I love from Dragon Actually by G. A. Aiken(Shelly Laurenston's alter ego)
Fearghus... the Destroyer to Annwyl the Bloody
"You're welcome, beautiful one." H "But don't get too comfortable," "Who knows what I'll make you do to repay me my kindness."
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>
I don't typically quote books because if I do I would never shut up lol. I love the one you chose about Too Hot To Handle!
“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”
― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
“One day you will kiss a man you can't breathe without, and find that breath is of little consequence.”
― Karen Marie Moning, Bloodfever
(love JZB!)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Lacey T
I love to quote John Green.
"There are infinite numbers between 0 and 1.
There's .1 and .12 and .112 and an infinite collection of others.
Of course, there is a bigger infinite set of numbers between 0 and 2, or between 0 and a million.
Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.
A writer we used to like taught us that.
There are days, many of them, when I resent the size of my unbounded set.
I want more numbers than I'm likely to get, and God, I want more numbers for Augustus Waters than he got.
But, Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity.
I wouldn't trade it for the world.
You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful."
"My mother isn't crazy. She simply has a harder time than most reconciling her reality with everyone else's reality.”
― Kim Harrison, A Perfect Blood
I love this one I can see my daughter saying it. :O) Carin
mawmom at gmail dot com
(My all time favorite quote!)
"Tenderness flooded him. She wanted him but didn't know how to initiate sex. Not that he was so great at that either. Neither one of them was technically a virgin, but emotionally? He so was…. "
He'd fucked. He'd been sucked. But he'd never made love to anyone.
-Lore "Ecstasy Unveiled" Larissa Ione
But I have a whole page of them on my blog! I haven't updated it in a while but here's the link if you ever want to check it out since we share a love of book quotes!
-Amanda P
Lets Get Romantical
Where the Night Kind Roam
I don't directly quote an author very often.
You know I just never think about quotes. I have a few that I found on GoodReads.
Here is a few from there on books that I have read. I hope you like them:
“Remembering is easy. It's forgetting that's hard.”
― Brodi Ashton, Everneath
“Did he teach you how to bore you opponents to sleep? Because I think I missed that lesson - Allie”
― Julie Kagawa, The Immortal Rules
“We're all lost souls here. It's a good thing we've got each other.”
― Amy Plum, Die for Me
“Human beings can always be relied upon to exert, with vigor, their God-given right to be stupid. ”
― Dean Koontz
Ok that was just some I could pull up.
I love Elanor Roosevelt's "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
My favorite was what Roarke say to Eve :
" ...One day, i felt something,....i turned, and there you were. You were everything I shouldn't have,shouldn't want or need.
From that moment, the hole inside me began to fill. I couldn't stop what rooted there, or what grew."
- Innocent In Death, JD Robb
sorry... i never remember about quote ;p
thx u for the giveaway...
“I was dead until you found me, though I breathed. I was sightless, though I could see. And then you came...and I was awakened.”
(Zsadist - Lover Awakened by J.R.Ward)
thanks for the giveaway :)
“Love is not the absence of logic
but logic examined and recalculated
heated and curved to fit
inside the contours of the heart”
― Tammara Webber, Easy
These are all from Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews:
-“I think you’re confused as to the nature of our relationship. You and I, we don’t get along. You’re a psychopathic control freak. You order me around and I want to kill you. I’m a pigheaded insubordinate ass. I drive you mad and you want to strangle me.”
-“ I'll be busy for the next eight weeks, so let's set this for November 15th.
I want lamb or venison steak. Baked potatoes with honey butter. Corn on the cob. Rolls. And apple pie, like the one you made before. I really liked it. I want it with ice cream.
You owe me one naked dinner, but I'm not a complete beast, so you can wear a bra and panties if you so wish. The blue ones with the bow will do.
"If she (Meg) isn't returned to us alive and laughing," Dominic sid, "there will be a harrowing of a north such as will never be forgotten."... "I will hunt down the Reevers and their families one by one, and I will kill them where I find them, man woman and child.".... "I will burn their homes, slaughter their stock, and poison their wells. I will tear down their stone fences, slay their game, and salt their fields until nothing can live therein.Then I will leave the cursed land to the unshriven ghosts I've made!" - Untamed by Elizabeth Lowell
Love is like a 'Lotre' that have gone. We know it's no use, but still try to find it-Cheeky Romance by Kim Eun Jeong
Thanks for the giveaway! Love is definitely in the air and I think a good example of a strong romantic novel is "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon. Jamie and Claire are EPIC.
I can't say I'm really good at quotes but I know there are some beautiful ones in this book!
Happy Valentine's Day!
mestith (at) gmail (dot) com
“We fell in love, despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created. For me, love like that has only happened once, and that's why every minute we spent together has been seared in my memory. I'll never forget a single moment of it.”
― Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook
love that quote. :D
I'm not good at qoutes :(
I'm not one of those that often remembers quotes from books exactly (although my kindle makes it easier). I do remember lines from certain characters if they say them repeatedly, like Jenks from Kim Harrison's The Hallows saying "Tink's Panties!" Recently I found myself wanting to remember quotes from the Daughter of Smoke and Bone books!
"I promise to love you forever - every singe day of forever. Will you marry me?" from Eclipse
"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should"
Shiloh Walker, Lauren Dane, and Thea Harrison all have quotable material.
planterofhope at aol dot com
" I won't promise you forever, but I promise you now" Don't really remember the book, but I adore this quote
I have so many quotes, most of them of a steamy nature but one that I can't get out of my mind is from Elle Aycart's More Than Meets the Ink. The main characters James and Tate are getting a little hot and heavy and James says "I want you, can I have you?"
I think that's so sexy that he would ask her permission first.
I don't generally remember/record quotes (I need to start doing that) but one that I do love is:
"Eyes on me" Ka-thunk from Kallypso Master's stories (Master Adam says it to Karla a lot, especially in NOBODY'S HERO)
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