The Hunter’s Surrender
By Kaenar Langford
Book Blurb:
Maddie Graham is a bounty hunter who likes to keep a low profile. But her stellar reputation has brought her under the keen eye of the Tentalians who feel she’ll be a fitting brood mare for their king. Little do they realize that kidnapping Maddie will be the easy part. She’s far more dangerous than they thought, and it has nothing to do with her hunting skills.
King Rochar and his consort, Santara, aren’t sure what to expect with Maddie. Living on an all male planet, they’ve been taught to view women as mere vessels for future children. But they soon discover Maddie is as feisty as she is compassionate, and her presence threatens to unravel the very fabric of their civilization when they realize she means much more than they’d ever thought possible. As the moment approaches to choose their destiny, will they fall victim to their sense of duty, or will a new order rise with the ringing of the Soprac bells?
Story contains graphic scenes of m/m and m/m/f sex.
The Hunter’s Surrender
is a flaming hot fantasy erotic tale. Yowza! It should come with a label that says, “Warning - Reader will be lost in lust!”
King Rochar and Santara, the beautiful men that they are, live on a planet where there are no females. The book explains those reasons further however with no females; the men are mostly in happy relationships with each other. The King and Santara are deeply in love with each other as many of the males in their world are. Secretly many of the men had wished to stay and maintain committed relationships with the women they impregnated with their sons.
King Rochar wants to change this long standing tradition and Maddie is just the women to entice him to change the council’s ruling. So there is the plot. The rest of the story is a ménage lover’s fantasy. Don't try and analyze how Maddie could quickly accept this lifestyle or accept the immediate threesome activity. Just go with the fantasy and enjoy the ride. It's better that way *wink*
The Hunter’s Surrender
is a full out and out fantasy book and there is no way to compare the male’s endurance to real life men. So don’t look to The Hunter’s Surrender
for a sweet triade book. Look to this story for hot ménage style fantasy sex and then you will get what you are looking for. It’s fairly short. On a PDF it is about 65 pages. I am rating 4 hearts but the heat level is 5. Strongly suggest you only read The Hunter's Surrender
if you enjoy fantasy style menage.
Teasers – killer hot shower smut, major M/M action, major hot M/M/F action, endurance of race horses
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