Friday, June 24, 2011

Interview & ebook giveaway with Madison J Edwards

Another Look Book Reviews is super excited to bring you an interview and an erotic ebook giveaway for author Madison J Edwards.
Madison, tell us a little bit about you.
The Prairie dust is in my blood, but no longer on my shoes.
I was born and raised in small town Saskatchewan that boasts a grand population of 1200. A few years after high school I moved south, and met my husband stationed at a nearby Air Force Base. For the next fifteen years we zigzagged across Canada before settling in London, Ontario.
‘According to Plan’, my debut novel, releases July 2011 with Turquoise Morning Press.  I have three short stories published with Sapphire Nights Books.
Check out my blog -Maddie’s Place - and you can follow me on Twitter - @MadisonJEdwards

Congratulations for “THE PERFECT SECRETARY” being in the Amazon - Top 100 list and  for the multitude of 5 star ratings all over the internet. (Including Another Look Book Reviews here)
Can I just say I love your pen name? It is so classy. Sometimes erotic authors tend to make their pen names sound like strippers and that actually turns me off. It makes me think reading erotica is dirty when it is not. However a classy name like Madison J Edwards is wonderful. Is there a story behind on how you came upon that great name?
I’d been toying with pen names, and at one time I thought I’d publish under the name of Paige Turner (tongue in cheek), but I wanted to be taken seriously as an author so into the slush pile it went. Nothing jumped out, until I was reading something from Margaret Ethridge. The tease in me loved the idea that her initials were M.E., and being somewhat narcissistic, I wanted it to be all about ‘ME’ too. So Madison Edwards was born. The initial J. helped round the moniker out. All three look great on luggage tags.

Two of your erotic stories, “The Perfect Secretary”, and your new release “The Invitation” are BDSM based. What sort of research did you do to get yourself into that frame of mind?
Ha. My husband will tell you emphatically I didn’t do research with him.
The classic boss/secretary lends itself to a little dominance, and the idea had been bouncing around in my head for a dark paranormal where the immortal hero invades the heroine’s dreams, and sees her engaging in a little BDSM fantasy.  Naturally I stole from myself for this story, and now I’ll have to write something else for Dark Desires.
When I realized I wanted to continue the story of Ms. Adams and Mr. Reid, I knew I had to look into the BDSM world a little more, so I bought a couple of books in this genre, and picked the brain of Christine D’Abo, fellow author in my local chapter.
This genre fascinates me. I think all of us have with varying degrees a little submissive or dominance in our psyche. The difference being, I pushed the envelope further than what most people would actually partake, and allowed the reader to indulge in a little fantasy, if only in their mind.

I love the SapphireNights Dirty Bits. They are short and inexpensive. I love that the Dirty Bits share the same beautiful cover. Do you think it’s harder to get publicity on erotic books or easier or even is it different at all? 
I don’t know if it’s harder or not. Anyone who wants to buy erotic knows where to find these stories. My publisher would tell you, the first two weeks The Perfect Secretary was released; I was cruising in the Caribbean and didn’t touch a computer for over two weeks.
Having said that, I believe it can be harder, because these erotic novellas will never see the shelves of your classic bookstore. The tried and true method of picking up a book, checking out the back cover, and then flipping to Chapter One to read a few pages is not an option. But readers of e-novellas are very internet savvy, so I think blog tours are a good way to get your name out, and create a buzz.
I like the idea of posting snippets on your own web page, to tease the reader a bit. I plan on posting deleted scenes from According to Plan when it releases.

Do you have a favourite erotic author?
Lila DiPasqua – hands down. You will never read fairy tales the same. Ever!

What are you reading right now?
Right now, I’m knee deep in edits for According to Plan, but prior to this I read the first two books in Nalini Singh’s, Psy-Changling books.

What question didn’t I ask you that you were hoping I didn’t ask?
You didn’t ask. I’m okay with that.

Who is your book boyfriend?
Adam Black – the Dark Fae Prince from Karen Marie Moning’s Immortal Highlander. He makes my heart sigh.

If you could visit any country in the world for free, where would you go and why?
Germany. My last trip there was too short, and I want to explore the castles, and walk where so much history played out. From the Romans to the Nazi’s, the air reverberates with whispers from our ancestors.
However, if I could have the dream vacation, where money was no object, I’d go to the French Polynesian islands. I’m a lover of peace and quiet, and it calls to me on a visceral level.

Every Wednesday I do a post sharing what is my Guilty Pleasure. What is yours?
The Casino. I love the penny slots. Shhh….. Don’t tell my husband. It will be our secret.
Enjoy the book video for Madison's first hot release "The Perfect Secretary"

To win an ebook copy of "The Invitation" (review and the book trailer is here) AND the first ebook "The Perfect Secretary" all you have to do is:

1. Google Friend Follow Another Look Book Reviews on the right hand tab.

2. Simply just comment your interest in winning these hot erotic short stories and include an email address for me to contact you (example - susiesmith at whoknows dot com) and the winner will randomly be selected on Monday June 27th.
That's it and good luck!


Cera Daniels said...

Terrific interview, Madison! Thanks for sharing some of your secrets ;) (Though now I'm super curious about the unasked question...LOL)

Anonymous said...

Great interview, Madison. Now we know what makes you tick. Or do we?

Julie said...

Excellent interview, you two! I happen to love your pen name as well, Madison, and now that I know where the inspiration came from, I like it even more! Congratulations on all your success! I'll be sure to check out all your Dirty Bits. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, and the question shall remain unasked....

No said...

Great interview! I'd love to win and check her work out!


Stacey Donaldson said...

The pen name is pretty catchy! I'm a new follower, would love to win :-)


Jenny Milchman said...

I passed your interview/link on in an Amazon forum with some fans of erotica. Hope you get some new fans!

Unknown said...

Wow thank you jennymilch! I really appreciate as I am sure so would Madison.

Welcome! and good luck to those who have entered!

Darlene said...

Sounds steamy! I'd love to win!!

I'm following you on GFC (Darlene), and my email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Lila DiPasqua said...

I just saw this on Twitter and had to stop in. I'm so flattered, Madison! Thank you!! Oh, and I LOVE the video trailer for THE PERFECT SECRETARY. That looks like one delicious story. ;)

Lila xo

Unknown said...

Great interview! Donna

Isis Rushdan said...

I really enjoyed the interview!

Madison, I spent two years in Germany so I completely understand why you love it. The French Polynesian islands are very high on my list as well.

Wishing you great success!

AsianCocoa said...

Great interview. I'll have to check out Lila DiPasqua's work. And of course these two books your giving away are right up my alley.

asiancocoa94 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Thanks to everyone who's visited, and commented. This has been fun, and a huge thank you to Michelle, who facilitated it.
If you enjoyed The Perfect Secretary, and The Invitation, then keep your eyes peeled for the third in the series...Mergers & Acquisitions. Yowza

Sasha Devlin said...

Nice interview, Madison! I actually met you at Lori Foster's earlier this year. Congrats on the releases! sasha AT sashadevlin DOT com

Margaret said...

ME? ME? I was the inspiration for your name? Okay, maybe it wasn't me but my name, but still...

I think you are fabulous. I'm so glad you gave TMP/SNB a shot. I can't wait for According to Plan so I can catch up on the rest of Tank and Shelby's story.

Blows kisses!

ME - aka Margaret Ethridge ;-)

Savannah said...

Sorry I'm late! Trying to catch up. Very nice interview and thanks for sharing SOME secrets ;)

Unknown said...

The winner was AsianCocoa! As soon as I can confirm the email address, Madison can send you the ebooks.
