Updated for 2016 - Please stop sending me book review requests. Real life has caught up with me and I do not read as much as I used to. I am keeping my blog in hopes of one day returning but right now my reading time is very limited.
The opinions on the book reviews are mine and mine alone unless I have a guest book reviewer. Then the opinion belongs all to my guest. I read all kinds of books but primarily romance. I am not a fan of YA and avoid them. I also don't really care for sci-fi or dystopian type of books. Just not my thing.

Above all, when I read a book I’m dying to share my opinions and feedback with anyone who’ll listen. That’s why I started my own blog of reviews.
I believe in honest reviews and if I’ve got something negative to say about a book, I strongly believe in offering up why. I don’t believe in trashing someone’s hard work with no viable reason or without constructive criticism. If I want a better book from the author next time, I believe I should just tell what I didn't like about it. But mostly, I just wanna love the book and have respect for someone's craft.
I will post my review on Another Look Book Review's blog as well as my personal Goodreads (with a link to here) and on Amazon. I will not share any book PDF files. I am strongly against book piracy and I will do nothing to encourage the theives.
Most of the books I review are my own copies that I have purchased. I read books that really only interest me. My life is so busy with work, teens and all of their events (I'm a mom taxi) that I am very particular on what I select. I rarely ever DNF a book and that's because I am particular in what I choose to read.
My guide to the sexy nature of the story. Rating has no bearing at all on how good the story was or not. Just the heat level.
4 Flaming books = Very sexy and erotic was central to the story
3 Flaming books = Sexy elements
2 Flaming books = Some great scenes enhancing the storyline
1 Flaming book = Mostly implied sexy contact