This was a joyous day for me! I flew to Nashville Jan 2009, to visit one of my very best friends and together we became fan girls (note the shirt I am wearing) and met Janet Evanovich.
My fan girl story goes like this: I fly from Canada to Nashville, arrive 3 hrs early, get a wrist band, wait in line for 2 hrs and with my bag of books I approach her. Now you would think I would have something memorable to say because she was my idol. So I get up there, all nervous and shyly look to her and say, wait for it, "I really like your writing." BAM I am a genius. Yes it only took 3 months of planning to come up with that memorable opening line.
Another memorable author moment for me was February 2011 in North Carolina a group of friends got together to help celebrate with another talented author Margaret Ethridge and her recent publishing success. I have long admired Margaret's work and it was amazing that we all got to giggle and help celebrate with a friend.

A momentous author/reader day this fine day in August 2011 was! In fact,
I made an entire blog post just dedicated to me meeting my idol Diana Gabaldon. I went to the Fergus Scottish Highland Games here in Ontario and had the time of my life. The festival is always such a great time and this year it was ever better! Here is my dedicated post to meeting Diana and how it all came about. My Fan Girl Heart went 'Splodey