There are a few other bloggers that are doing these Guilty Pleasure posts as well. It all started with C.J. Duggan and if you want a bunch of smiles, circle back to her site and see the comments to read other pleasures. Love to have you join the fun.
Today Another Look Book is pleased to welcome author Eve McFadden to our little Guilty Pleasure cast of guests. Who doesn't love a good movie?
"You're gonna need a bigger boat."
"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
"Looks like I picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue."
"You played it for her, you can play it for me!"
"You played it for her, you can play it for me!"
Recognize those? Movie quotes, of course–and the last is the actual quote, not the misquote one hears all the time (although the misquote, "Play it again, Sam," has its own charm).
I love movies. When I get time, or even when I don't, I love to watch movies. Now, of course I love the classics: Casablanca
, Sunset Boulevard
, The Adventures of Robin Hood
, and others. I love new movies, and older movies, and animated movies. I'm currently on a bit of a kick watching movies by the great Japanese director, Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away
I have a special spot for old science fiction movies, or well, any science fiction movies. I have another special spot for film noir. Which makes my favorite movie Dark City
, a mix of the two.
There's a nice, cozy feeling of settling down with an old friend when you pop in a movie you’ve seen before. You know the dialogue, you know what will happen, but that's okay. It's like reminiscing over the trip you took together. You know the shark is there, but you still jump when you see it. When Inigo tells his story, you want him to get his revenge on the Six-Fingered Man. Whatever Lloyd Bridges says it was a bad week to stop doing, you have to laugh. And Rick and Ilsa—what else do you need to say?
Watching a new movie is like—I hope—making a new friend, or maybe going on that roller coaster for the first time. When I first saw Pink Floyd's The Wall
, I was glued to my seat; the only thing missing was the glue (and I was sober). The animation, the spooky school kids in masks, Bob Geldof's missing eyebrows: they dared you to look away, and I couldn't. The only other movie that gave me that feeling was The Crow
, although I had a lot less of the heebie jeebies once that was over.
Some people buy books (and I do), and some people buy shoes (I don't) and some people buy Beanie Babies (or they used to). I buy movies. A rack of $3 or $5 DVDs exerts something like a gravitational pull. It's pretty cool what you can get for that price, too; unfortunately, not the Miyazaki movies. Sigh. We've amassed a nice collection of Westerns, B&W classics, and others. And someday, perhaps I can even say I watched them all.
What are your all time favourite movies? Do you have a favourite genre? Can you remember those famous lines like "I'll be back"?
Movie quotes—Jaws, The Princess Bride, Airplane!, Casablanca
Eve McFadden
Light and the Darkness can be found here
All time favourite movies....well like romance books I suppose my favourite movies are romances.
Ever After with Drew Barrymore
Pride & Prejudice
Pretty in Pink
but I also love
the Harry Potter series
LoTR series
Matrix series
I don't watch as many movies as I used to (because I'd rather be reading LOL) but I do love to sit back and get into one every now and then.
Thank you very much Eve for stopping by today.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I had a lot of fun dong this. :)
Haha...I LOVE Airplane!! It is such a classic and one of my all time favourite movies. Although in Australia it's called 'Flying High"
I also love the Money Pit! Makes me laugh no matter how many times I watch it.
My fav romantic movie is Electric Dreams. Oh this post makes me just want to curl up on the coach with any of these movies. Jaws is my one of my hubbies fav.
Excellent guest post!!!
P.S Michelle I totally name dropped you in a post! Once I have plugged that enough I will post up my GP! :)
I'm more of a oldies kind of girl, but not necessarily the old black and whites. I don't think I've ever watched Casablanca, except for clips and bits and pieces I've seen.
I love The Inn of the Sixth happiness with Ingrid Bergman though, a movie a bit later in her career.
The Quiet Man with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara is my all time fave. "There'll be no locks between us Mary Kate. Except those in your mercenary heart."
Field of Dreams, League of Their Own. I'm a feel good movie kind of girl.
I am a movie quote junkie! If I'm quoting Casablanca, I prefer 'The Germans wore grey, you wore blue.' The Princess Bride? I use 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia.' an awful lot. Airplane, Caddyshack, Blues Brothers (Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Three Orange Whips!), Better Off Dead, and anything Monty Python or Mel Brooks are all standards in my book.
For the classics I rely on GWTW, Casablanca, The Quiet Man, The Philadelphia Story (Put me in your pocket, Mike.), The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, and the like.
I've also been known to mine some movie musicals. Gigi has the fabulous Hermoine Gingold and hysterical bits including: 'Liane D'Exelmans committed suicide! Again!' 'Say, how many times has she done it now?' 'How was the suicide?' 'Oh, the usual way. Insufficient poison.'
Fabulous post! You made my morning!
Probably my favorite Casablanca quotes are (and I know I'm off a little, but):
German: What's your nationality?
Rick: I'm a drunkard.
Louis: That means Rick's a citizen of the world.
Rick: I came here for the waters.
Louis: Waters? We're in the middle of a desert.
Rick: I was misinformed.
Louis: I'm shocked -- shocked! --
Waiter: Your winnings, sir.
Louis: Oh, thank you. I'm shocked to find gambling in this establishment!
Jaws is just a great, taut movie, everything in place. But that is the most memorable line, I think.
Monty Python is a perennial favorite, but there were just too many to choose from!
Glad everyone enjoyed the post; I sure had fun writing it.
Great post! I have so many favorites - favorite writing movies, favorite watching movies, favorite listening movies...Casablanca is near the top.
Hi Eve, LOVE my movies but living in the outback means I now read more. However I buy dvd's off ebay and really enjoyed 'Invictus' and 'Skin', both set in South Africa, where I was born and gave me great insight into post-apartheid SA.
LOVE most Pedro Almadovar films but fave is "Women on the verge of a Nervous breakdown :
Old Woody Allen ie Manhattan but I recently saw a BEAUTIFUL film called The Diving Bell and the Butterfly :
Julia -- I was just thinking today that I have favorite movies, but then I also have movies that I like to re-watch, and they aren't always the same. I hadn't thought about it before, but yes, Casablanca would be on both lists.
Annabel -- Invictus was very good, if a bit rote. But I really enjoyed it. I also thought "Women on the Verge..." was great and wish I had time to watch more Almodovar movies. Woody Allen I'm kind of so-so on, although I enjoyed Mighty Aphrodite.
Just love getting lost in a story. :)
Ohh I like your taste - Dark City is up there in one of my all time fav movies - it's so dark and so awesome at the same time. Might have to pluck it out and watch it again. And Princess Bride - that is a major classic - I don't know anyone who does not like it. For me I love classic b-grade horror or big animal (anaconda) movies... hehe
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