Sunday, August 21, 2011

Smolder Springs by Ann Cory

Smolder Springs

by Ann Cory

Book Blurb:
After years in an emotionally draining job, Kaitlin West visits a luxurious spa known for its healing springs and breathtaking beauty. And where her personal guide, Harrison Knight, helps her awaken long suppressed desires. 

Smolder Springs is a sweet quick read. The premise of the story is for an emotionally drained Kaitlin to relax and to do something good for herself. As luck would have it, her personal guide at the spa just happens to be a very attractive man, Harrison. 

Harrison loves to tease Kaitlin and she falls for the bait almost every time. It was cute to read. When a story is so short it is hard for a foundation to be built convincingly enough to believe a couple would act upon their lustful feelings so quickly. In this case the author did a clear job of granting assurances to the readers that the sexy Harrison had this particular seduction plan ready for  Kaitlin before she arrived. It helped for the credibility factor but it didn't completely work. I still couldn't believe that Harrison was willing to change his entire world around for woman after reading her spa admittance application all the while suffering the last 5 years from an emotional setback himself. Too bad the author didn't go with an old high school crush reunion because it would have had me not even doubting.

For me it was a bit hard to classify Smolder Springs' heat level as there is intimacy but it is short lived and fairly under descriptive so not quite erotic but a bit more than spicy. I know that these short spicy stories are fantasy but for some readers like myself, they have to have some sort of basis of belief since it is contemporary romance. 
I also frowned at no mention of birth control or protection. I tend to let that go for full blown erotic stories but this story was about based around conversations and getting to know each other. 

Smolder Springs is an absolute perfect story for those readers who like a little bit of spice on a fantasy romance. 

Teasers - Delicious dreamboat in denim, chocolate sprinkles, massage, cabin

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