Short Stories by Sapphire Night Books
Turquoise Morning Press
The Perfect Secretary
By Madison J Edwards
Book Blurb:
Sarah Adams, thrilled to be Troy Reid‘s personal executive assistant, wants to prove she was the right choice. She‘s the perfect secretary, who‘ll do anything to please both her bosses.
What a deliciously erotic dirty bit The Perfect Secretary
was. I’m still waving my hands over my laptop to clear away the steam. Yowza!
Reading The Perfect Secretary
reminded me of a salacious office day dream. When Shelia’s two bosses resemble GQ Gods, the poor woman has to carry around her own personal mini vibe. The Perfect Secretary
used old time office clichés like the secretary being requested to bring a pen and a pad of paper while being summoned by an intercom. I even found the mention of archaic short hand more amusing rather than eye rolling. The ancient office practices are the only thing about The Perfect Secretary
that is old school.
For months hunky boss number one has been subconsciously training Shelia to succumb to her submissiveness. When he decides it’s time for the casual training to end he moves to step up his dominance. After he summons her to his office and she is tardy by 2 seconds, he decides the best course of action is for Shelia to remove her shirt. (sounds fair doesn’t it?)
Well I’m not going to give away any more spoilers because you’ve just gotta get The Perfect Secretary
for yourself. It’s carnal, kinky and completely hot.
1 comment:
Thank you for taking the time to review The Perfect Secretary. I am glad you enjoyed it and couldn't put it down. Thank you for the 5 hearts.
Review Coordinator for Turquoise Morning Press/Sapphire Nights
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